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Justin Aim Crawford’s Mantra to Achieving Goals

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If you have some kind of target in mind for how you want your efforts to turn out, you’ll be more motivated to complete them. The sense of success you’ll feel with each completed one will motivate you to continue. The key is to set reasonable objectives. It’s easy to lose sight of how far you’ve come when you get into a routine of goal-setting and accomplishment. 

Aim Crawford is a Veteran Special Force Pilot turned Photographer based out of Atlanta, GA, and Isabela, Puerto Rico. He specializes in Creative Fashion and glam photography, with traces of flight in many of his shots.

The greatest obstacle for me was pilot training. I overcame that by sharing what I learned with my classmates. With each completed goal will motivate you to continue further, Crawford emphasizes the importance of making models feel comfortable during photoshoots. To mitigate improper touching, assault, and uncomfortable situations, we educate creatives and models on proper behavior.

Aim Crawford’s talents extend far beyond those of a mere photographer. His highest certification is an ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) license, which means he is a highly trained military and civilian aviator.  All while being an accomplished real estate investor.  He uses these skills for his primary objective which is to coach and effectively lead people, and the camera is one tool in his repertoire. He has always been interested in technology and has a creative spirit.

He said, “When I first picked up a camera, I immediately made mistakes, and that’s how I learned.” When people see their pictures, their perceptions of themselves change. There is no doubt that it is a tool that promotes honesty and self-confidence, as well as self-esteem. In my project, I investigate the mental aspects of photographing individuals and how others view them through the prism of a camera to capture their true essence. It is more my intention to see myself as a photo motivational speaker or photo counselor than anything else. By demonstrating to my customers the fact that they are all attractive and handsome, I am able to overcome the self-doubt they have. After having their portrait taken by me, subjects undergo a transformation for the better.”

Many people look to Crawford as a coach because he inspires them and helps them achieve their goals. His unique way of photographing people helps them to see how they really look instead of how they THINK they look. It develops into a source of confidence that people can draw upon in their day-to-day lives and bring with them wherever they go.

“Aim is my word- All my goals start with a target backward mentality. I begin with a clearly defined objective; then, I am completely honest with exactly who the man in the mirror is. When I have my goal or target clearly defined and a fair starting point, I travel the most efficient path to that goal. The shortest distance between two points is a line. If you have a clear idea of where you want to go and are confident in your own identity, you will have a much easier time traveling the path that leads to your success. I constantly keep focused on my goal and preserve my AIM.”

By sharing what I learned with my classmates that I was competing with. I wanted all of us to graduate. This process of sharing what I learned made me a better teacher and communicator.  I use the same tactics acquired in Air Force pilot training to teach other photographers and effectively communicate with clients in the commercial photography industry.  

Crawford’s lifetime commitment to achieving “High” goals is reflected in the subtle aviation references throughout his work. His background with military planes is largely responsible for this.

The ups and downs experienced by Justin Aim Crawford show that even the road to success is not always paved with roses. There will be bumps in the road and mistakes to be made. Try not to be too hard on yourself, and instead, see your mistakes as opportunities to grow. Don’t let anyone stop you from going after what you want in life. Make an effort to learn from your errors. As obvious as it may be, nobody’s faultless.. Champions are distinguished solely by their response to defeat, which is to learn and better themselves with those hard lessons.

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