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Recent changes in immigration policies and how they impact residents of Queens

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Queens, New York, is a diverse borough with a significant immigrant population. Recent changes in immigration policies have impacted many residents, particularly those who are Facing Deportation. In this blog post, we will discuss the changes in immigration policies and their impact on residents of Queens.

Changes in Immigration Policies

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has been changed under the Biden administration. The program, which was established under the Obama administration, provides temporary protection to undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. The Biden administration has restored the program and is currently accepting new applications.

However, the administration has also increased enforcement measures, particularly at the border. The number of undocumented immigrants detained at the border has increased, and the administration has also implemented a new policy that allows for the deportation of undocumented immigrants who have been in the country for less than two years without a hearing.

Impact on Residents of Queens

The changes in immigration policies have had a significant impact on residents of Queens, particularly those who are facing deportation. Here are some of the ways in which residents of Queens have been impacted:

Fear and Anxiety

The changes in immigration policies have created a climate of fear and anxiety among many residents of Queens, particularly those who are undocumented. The fear of being detained or deported has caused many people to avoid seeking medical care, attending school, or reporting crimes.

Separation from Families

Many residents of Queens who are facing deportation are at risk of being separated from their families. This can be devastating, particularly for families with children who are U.S. citizens. The uncertainty and stress of not knowing when or if they will be reunited with their families can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being.

Economic Consequences

The changes in immigration policies have also had economic consequences for residents of Queens. Undocumented immigrants are an important part of the workforce, particularly in industries such as hospitality and construction. Deportation of undocumented immigrants can lead to labor shortages and decreased economic activity.


The changes in immigration policies have had a significant impact on residents of Queens, particularly those who are facing deportation. The fear and anxiety caused by these policies can have a profound impact on their mental health and well-being. 

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